Welcome to the
Bangor Historical Society!
We are dedicated to preserving our past.
General Membership Meetings:
Second Thursday in Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct.
Meetings are free and open to the public.
Bangor Historical Society
P.O. Box 25
location: 229 W. Monroe St.
Bangor, Michigan 49013
All information pertaining to this site;
Photos, Family History, General Info. Etc.;
Contact: Bob Emmert
Museum Office Phone; (269) 427-0611
Museum Office is closed during the winter months (Nov. thru Apr).
Please leave a message on answering machine.
Museum & Office open the first of May through October. We check the answering machine regularly.
Museum Hours; 10am - 4pm, Friday & Saturday
Email Office; bangorhistoricalsociety@gmail.com

Bangor Historical Society
Special Museum tours available by App.
Fri. & Sat. 10am to 4pmUpcoming Events
Thursday Oct. 17th
Odd Fellows Hall over the Museum
Bangor's own Ginny Bournay will speak about growing up in Nazi Germany. Her family was sent to Dachau Concentration Camp. She and her brothers were seperated from their parents and sent to work farms to work like slaves.
Our events are held at the newly renovated Odd Fellows Hall located above our museum in the old Ely Hardware Building.
235 W. Monroe St.
Bangor, Mich.
Cemetery Project
Join us to help keep Arlington Hill Cemetery a sacred and solum place to visit. Leave a legacy for yourself and your loved ones etched in stone.
Click Here for more information.
Coming Soon